Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Blog #9:Shut up, I am me

Book Title: Westminster Abby
Pages Since Last Week: 475
Pages Since Semester: 530
Weekly Summary: Abby frequently bumps into Ian, a student. Lately, Abby hangs out at the pub with the rest of her peers.
Weekly Thoughts: Have you ever thought about how stereotypes came about? Since reading Westminster Abby, I have discovered that kids from this book drink at pubs, and they are high schoolers. I do not think any of them are the age of 21 or over, because Abby is just a junior at the age of 17. The laws in America and London may be different about drinking, but as of now it definitely seems as if London's age drinking limit is much lower. Since London and America seem to have different laws, America and London also seem to have different cultural values and perspectives. This must be why you hear people say, "Americans are more..." or that "British are..." and this and that way. Every culture is seen as one perspective in a whole, or generality. I know many people do not like to be judged as a whole, because every person wants to be their own person, but this must be how stereotypes came about. Even though stereotypical notions may not apply to every individual, stereotypes most have some kind of trueness since it truly did not just appear out of thin air.

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