Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Title: The Devil Wears Prada
Pages: 38-98 (Total: 691)

Andy (Andrea) ordered furniture for her new room and enjoyed her independency( away from her parents) even though she lives with two roommates: Kendra and Shanti who are also workaholics. Andy celebrated Thanksgiving with her family and told them-sister Jill, mother, and father- about her new job.

On the first day of Andy's job, she learns from Emily, that Miranda Priestly is on her annual vacation and will not be in the Elias-Clark building for one month. From all the rumors about Miranda Priestly being harsh, Andy is glad that she has some time to adjust herself before Miranda arrives back in New York. Andy cannot help but feel excluded from her co-workers about conversations and gossips of A-listers whom she does not recognize. The obvious difference between her and her co-workers doubts her abilities of commitment and intentions. Over Andy’s Thanksgiving dinner with her family she plays it cool by explaining the exclusivity and desires of her job, yet her father, a shrink, was certain there was more behind what she was saying. Andy commits her concern of belonging and whether she will learn or gain anything from this mindless job, but her father reassures her that she is making the right decision. The feeling of loneliness has also struck upon me when I was in a class full of students who have already formed into cliques where I was not in. My attitude changed and made me want to give up on learning, then I realized that I did not go to school to try to fit in, but to learn. An impressive resume is Andy’s priority and education, mine. As long as we both keep our priorities straight, we will achieve what we want.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Title: The Devil Wears Prada
Pages: 1-37 (Total: 630)

Andrea, an aspiring journalist with dreams of working at The New Yorker, interviews at magazine Runway in hopes of building a creditable resume. Andrea interviewed with Emily and Alison and was hired.

Even though fashion is not Andrea's total "thing," -creative writing is more of her interest-Andrea wants this bad enough to accept the job. In fact, she states, "I didn't know anything about fashion and I didn't care. At all. And therefore, I had to have it."(pg. 14) It is funny how something we never once desired for, suddenly becomes a small obsession of a must have when it is unavailable. This is part of the human tendency to want what you cannot have. Maybe this reasoning explains why girls are attracted to the bad boy types or why some citizens love to do a little meddling with the law. The danger and thrill is what intrigues a person to convince them towards the unattainable. Even with Andrea’s watchful distinctions between her dress style and the Runway's working employees does not stop her from a challenge.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Title: Cupidity
Pages: 183-273 (total: 593)

Laura, now fed up with the responsibility of the magical bow and arrow, decided to confront Cupidity yet, she runs into Cupidity's "father"- who is actually Mercury, the Roman god. Mercury then reveals the truth- of his and Cupidity's disguise and the whole plan in that Cupidity is assisting Laura to get a boyfriend- to Laura and tells her that she is the one who must find Venus to help solve this dilemma.

Is trouble brought upon us or is trouble brought upon ourselves? Trouble is associated with us, and only us, when we interact with it. Trouble and misfortune just cannot come all to you without any self involvement: reaction, input, action, and voluntary presence. Laura asked the gods for their help and never fully accepted the plans of the god, Cupid (in disguise as Cupidity). Laura's action and reaction is trouble brought upon her. Although she created her own situation, she remarkably solved her own problem, of course, with the help of Venus, Mercury, and the satyrs. In convincing Venus to come to Fimbrey High School and saving the lives of teenagers' hearts that were falsely in love, was Laura's dissatisfaction solved. With the help of Venus, Laura was able to reverse the spell of the bow and arrows leaving all couples together except for Megan and Peter, who were only in love because of the magic. In the end, Laura did prove her friend Taryn wrong; Laura did too get a boyfriend by the end of the year, who just happened to be one of her good friends, Peter. Laura created a course for herself, and made it out just the way she would have wanted it. The things that we want and desire does not come to us; we have to fight for it just like the way Laura did.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Title: Cupidity
Pages: 127-182 (Total: 502)

Laura, still curious about Cupidity as Cupid and the anarchy of the most opposite people getting together, researches the topic of love, from love potions, spells, candles, fortune-telling, and the history of Cupid and Venus. After her double date with Rip, Cupidity, and Cody, Laura meets with a love psychic to finally prove her hypothesis that the arrow Cupidity owns is the one Venus, the god of love, has and that innocent people are falling in love with each other for no real meaningful desire by the shot of Cupidity's magic arrow and bow.

Laura's determination to prove what she believes in is what any one human would do. He would too go mad at the fact that no one else is seeing wrong with the two worlds colliding: the mixture of social class A and B. She earlier stated that it was either of two possibilities, that she was either crazy or the rest of the world was crazy. The character's perception here, even through present day, displays the truth that we, human beings, still live in a world where we believe we should abide where we "belong", within our social class-judging through race, sex, religion, age, looks, wealth, personality, and intellect. Laura's madness about the sudden change of stereotypical regularities, stirs up her world into actions where she is out to solve the mystery. This action of hers further implies Laura’s incapability to accept the changes of reality breaking the traditional mold, that Blacks do marry Whites and that a female has as much right as a male.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Title: Cupidity

Pages: 66-126 (Total: 446)

Cupid's goal is to find Laura a boyfriend, but Cupidity was able to assist everyone- Emma, the Goth girl, and Peter, the school nerd-but Laura. Laura is starting to feel that there is something strange about how Peter and Megan and Jake and Laura, the two most unlikely peoples were able to be in a committed relationship.

Laura is becoming very suspicious of Cupidity, besides her coincidental name towards Cupid and her fascination for bows and arrows, Laura cannot help but contemplate Cupidity's arrival at Fimbrey High and the oddest people getting together. Sometimes when the world is getting tough, you do not know what to do, but stop and look. The world is always changing and evolving: Fashion trends, improving technology, and discoveries of new cures. What was cool five, ten, fifty years ago is no longer "cool." And, this is when you realize that you are not in movement with the rest of the world. Events, occurrences, and incidents have made history, but you are still “there” but not “here.” Laura, of course, being that she was mortal, was unable to actively distinguish the now flawless, beauty, Cupidity, as the three-foot century-year old man (after Vulcan's-one of the gods-artwork). How else can Laura conclude that Cupidity is actually Cupid when what she sees is all she can believe? Laura's arising suspicions may very well discover the truth about Cupidity, but it has left her in a “pickle” with nothing else to do but stop and look.