Title: The Devil Wears Prada
Pages: 160-222 (Total: 815)
Andy meets a writer at a party and finds him attractive and has yet to tell her boyfriend about Christian(the writer) asking Andy out on a date. Andy and Lily will now be living in an apartment together, and Miranda continues to order Andy around.
Andy is getting really sick of people being fantasized by her job. They believe that she is living in a job of luxury, yet Andy still doesn’t tell the people her truth- that the job is not a "fantastic opportunity" (Page 173). Every person she encounters with tells her how amazing it must be to work for the chief editor of a fashion magazine. Andy is unable to tell each person the real truth that she is suffering every moment having to slave for Miranda Preistly, her boss. Instead, she tells B-DAD (Miranda's husband) that everything is running smoothly. Andy's lack of honesty upsets me, because I sometimes feel unappreciated, frustrated, saddened, and angered when receiving a false answer. I would say that I am quite intuitive for being able to quickly sense feelings and thoughts of others. Like, when I was asked my friend about how things were going with her life, she responded that everything was fine; even though her voice stated yes, I saw the concerns in her eyes and knew that there was definitely something going on. This lie is also present during American culture lifestyle: You would hear an employee ask his co-worker how he is doing and he would reply with a “fine.” When really, there is more to the “fine.” Andy does have the right to want her privacy, but what I really think is going on is her not wanting her vulnerabilities to be displayed. After all, she does have a reputation to hold as a workman for Runway, the hottest magazine company. So, this is the sacrifice, painful holdings of truths, that one, Andy and perhaps others, suffers from, in the return for a positive peripheral look. Sometimes it is easier to just tell a lie then to go on with the whole truth, and this may help explain why sometimes when you ask someone how they are doing, they suddenly break down and tell you the whole story, because they cannot hold it, their untold pains, any longer.
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