Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Title: Cupidity

Pages: 66-126 (Total: 446)

Cupid's goal is to find Laura a boyfriend, but Cupidity was able to assist everyone- Emma, the Goth girl, and Peter, the school nerd-but Laura. Laura is starting to feel that there is something strange about how Peter and Megan and Jake and Laura, the two most unlikely peoples were able to be in a committed relationship.

Laura is becoming very suspicious of Cupidity, besides her coincidental name towards Cupid and her fascination for bows and arrows, Laura cannot help but contemplate Cupidity's arrival at Fimbrey High and the oddest people getting together. Sometimes when the world is getting tough, you do not know what to do, but stop and look. The world is always changing and evolving: Fashion trends, improving technology, and discoveries of new cures. What was cool five, ten, fifty years ago is no longer "cool." And, this is when you realize that you are not in movement with the rest of the world. Events, occurrences, and incidents have made history, but you are still “there” but not “here.” Laura, of course, being that she was mortal, was unable to actively distinguish the now flawless, beauty, Cupidity, as the three-foot century-year old man (after Vulcan's-one of the gods-artwork). How else can Laura conclude that Cupidity is actually Cupid when what she sees is all she can believe? Laura's arising suspicions may very well discover the truth about Cupidity, but it has left her in a “pickle” with nothing else to do but stop and look.

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