Friday, October 06, 2006

Title: You're Hired
Pages: 1-64 (Total: 189)

Bill Rancic, the hired apprentice from The Apprentice, informs the reader with goal, value, and strategy tips. These personal description of his experience tells the reader to know him/herself because "the key to knowing what we're looking for comes in knowing where we come from."(pg. 43)

I especially liked this lesson from Ransic, because it makes me think of why I really want to become a business person. To really "know thyself" (pg. 43) is to understand who you really are, and in discovering who you are, it describes where you are at(socially, economically, politically, artisically, emotionally, and etc.) and what you need. I guess part of the reason why I want to excel so much in business is because in taking a college-self-personality-test, I discovered that I am a conventional person. A conventional person is one who likes order and lawful establishments such as tradition. This is very true. I like to work in a "safe" eviroment where you can expect exactly whatever situation were to come your way, but what Ransic was explaining is that business is full of risks. As earlier read in, The Girl's Guide to Starting your Own Business, I was open to the risks that you have to take in order to operate a buisness. Being a conventional person means that I have to escape part of that to become "the bee"(pg. 62); the "bee" is to be whatever one least expect, and do whatever it takes to get a thing done. So, in all, to really stand up on my own and "break from the pack" (pg. 62), I should become the "bee".

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