Thursday, October 19, 2006

Title: Cupidity
Pages: 1-65 (Total: 386)

Laura beginning senior year, in search of a first boyfriend, unknowingly and desperately calls to Jupiter to send her a boyfriend. Little did she know that the gods above received her request and Cupid is turned into a stunning actress type teenager girl who purposely befriends Laura on her first day of school to assist her in getting a boyfriend.

Laura is the characterized as the classic smart type with the wonderful G.P.A in dual competition with her childhood friend Peter for Valedictorian. Over the summer, she commits to her best friend Taryn that she would get a boyfriend, and that being said, he would be the most desired boy at school, Jake Mattson-the hottest jock on campus. This book is, once again, another cheesy, corny, yet "cannot get enough of" type of romance novelty that a young girl would love to read, also known as the "chick lit." Many producers create "chick flicks" where the poor yet adorable "girl next door" is ignored by the populars, but is amazingly noticed by a sincere soul, that just happens to have it all: the sensitive yet ridiculously handsome jock who is sometimes bright. We, the media consumers, love to fall for these types of crazy and somewhat realistic romantic comedies. Even though, the gist of all "chick flicks" may be generally similar, we just sometimes need a little encouragement to give all us, girls, a hope in that one day, we will meet our prince charming.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Title: You're Hired
Pages:127-198 (Total:321)

Bill Ransic advises the reader on lessons about vision, execution, and success. Among these lessons, success is the outcome of all the lessons put together.

According to the text, to achieve success, you must think things through, take inventory, fit yourself in, give something back, have balance, understand your core purpose, and draw a personal building plan. Over the weekend, I have been contemplating about success through giving back. Rancic involved himself at the Mercy Home for Boys in Chicago. I can relate with Rancic words in how, " it is only in the returning the favor that we can fully appreciate the favors that have been visited on us." I deeply understand this conception of giving and then appreciating what you have. In life, you stand somewhere among the ladder of success, whether it be money, social status, or power, it could be anything and whatever you perceive it to be, and in this viewpoint whether you are at the top, bottom, or middle, happiness is truly what one really desires. How do you generate this feeling of pure bliss? Sure, material possessions are a great way to instantaneously fill up empty feelings, but it is only temporary happiness-similarly to fake happiness. What you want is something real, something pure. I have visited my sick grandparents this summer, and in giving my time through assisting and caring for them at the nursing home in Virginia, I have experienced this realization and conclusion that, what you may consider not “good” enough, others, would be entirely grateful for. It saddens me to actually have to experience to get the total message and feeling across that we, humans in general, do not take what we have for granted. Sometimes, individuals never discover bliss, because they have not given any or enough effort to find the value and appreciation of what is theirs.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Title: You're Hired
Pages: 65-126 (Total:250)

Leadership is another key lesson that had helped Ransic along his great success(his cigar business). In attaining leadership, you must attain skills such as conquering your fear, planning ahead, reading about current public events ad and economic developments, listening to your staff and customers, and encouraging your staff.

There are many roles in becoming an entrepreneur. It is like almost becoming a mother and cheerleader in one. You have to make sure to always have your team where you want them to be and to give them spirit when they need it at times. The mother position is in played when directions and assignments are assigned. You always have to be more than on the top of your game because the world is always turning and you cannot expect exactly one event to happen after another. No one knows what will come of next; likewise to business. Anything can happen in an economic world. The gamble and thrill of chance and danger is what catches so many business men/women to this passion: selling.
Title: You're Hired
Pages: 1-64 (Total: 189)

Bill Rancic, the hired apprentice from The Apprentice, informs the reader with goal, value, and strategy tips. These personal description of his experience tells the reader to know him/herself because "the key to knowing what we're looking for comes in knowing where we come from."(pg. 43)

I especially liked this lesson from Ransic, because it makes me think of why I really want to become a business person. To really "know thyself" (pg. 43) is to understand who you really are, and in discovering who you are, it describes where you are at(socially, economically, politically, artisically, emotionally, and etc.) and what you need. I guess part of the reason why I want to excel so much in business is because in taking a college-self-personality-test, I discovered that I am a conventional person. A conventional person is one who likes order and lawful establishments such as tradition. This is very true. I like to work in a "safe" eviroment where you can expect exactly whatever situation were to come your way, but what Ransic was explaining is that business is full of risks. As earlier read in, The Girl's Guide to Starting your Own Business, I was open to the risks that you have to take in order to operate a buisness. Being a conventional person means that I have to escape part of that to become "the bee"(pg. 62); the "bee" is to be whatever one least expect, and do whatever it takes to get a thing done. So, in all, to really stand up on my own and "break from the pack" (pg. 62), I should become the "bee".