Pages: 1-65 (Total: 386)
Laura beginning senior year, in search of a first boyfriend, unknowingly and desperately calls to Jupiter to send her a boyfriend. Little did she know that the gods above received her request and Cupid is turned into a stunning actress type teenager girl who purposely befriends Laura on her first day of school to assist her in getting a boyfriend.
Laura is the characterized as the classic smart type with the wonderful G.P.A in dual competition with her childhood friend Peter for Valedictorian. Over the summer, she commits to her best friend Taryn that she would get a boyfriend, and that being said, he would be the most desired boy at school, Jake Mattson-the hottest jock on campus. This book is, once again, another cheesy, corny, yet "cannot get enough of" type of romance novelty that a young girl would love to read, also known as the "chick lit." Many producers create "chick flicks" where the poor yet adorable "girl next door" is ignored by the populars, but is amazingly noticed by a sincere soul, that just happens to have it all: the sensitive yet ridiculously handsome jock who is sometimes bright. We, the media consumers, love to fall for these types of crazy and somewhat realistic romantic comedies. Even though, the gist of all "chick flicks" may be generally similar, we just sometimes need a little encouragement to give all us, girls, a hope in that one day, we will meet our prince charming.